:It's All About the Family" - A family portrait session. Woburn, MA

October 19, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

There are many bonuses to being part of a large family, or at least extended family. My dad was the oldest of 6, which means I have been blessed with many cousins.  Many, many cousins. I think 16? 18? No matter. The point is there are a lot of us and when we get together it is always a good time. (We're Irish.) But another bonus to having this large extended family is having willing and able models to photograph.  Which brings me to this blog post.

My cousin, Abby, wanted some family photos. "Of course!" I said. I couldn't wait.  Her kids are adorable and so much fun to hang out with. I knew this would be a little bit of a challenge because of the ages (at the time 2 and 4), but still I couldn't wait for the day of the shoot.

Abby never disappoints.  She had the entire family dressed and ready to go (ON TIME), all  coordinated and each person wearing a color honoring the season and complementing their complexion.

Family photoFamily photo Now don't let the photo fool you, the little guy barely sat still for 5 seconds, and we all lost weight that day chasing after him, but it was fun. (Another reason why I wear sneakers to these photo sessions.


Boy walking to fenceTaking a little walk

And just like every 2 year old out there, we had some bad moments. I even remember a bribe with a cookie, but you have to stick with it when it comes to kids. When the little guy needed some alone time, I took this shot above and then I focused on his sister.

She will tell you an entire story of princesses in beautiful dresses and dragons that breathe purple and green fire; of princes that don't like to climb stairs but like to fly and towers with too many stairs (at least for this prince); of bravery even when you're tired from climbing stairs or flying and saving the day and why it's important to listen to this part of the story and to read (she loves to read)...and then when she needs to have a moment with dad, he happily obliges. 

Time with daddyPeekaboo daddy Another great thing about this family: they live down the street from me.  So when things started getting a little intense I did what any smart photographer would do-- CHANGE OF VENUE.  We walked down the street to my yard.

New place, fewer distractions. And it gave everyone a few minutes to relax and just walk. Some of us needed it more than others.

Taking a walkWalking down the street I really love this shot of him.  It just shows so much of his personality, "Look at me, I'm here.  We're gonna do whatever I want cuz I'm cute and you all know it."  He's right. We did.

But here is the best part of doing family photo shoots:  It's All About the Family.  Of course I get some posed shots and everything looks perfect despite the cookies, the negotiating, and sometimes the tears (not on this day).  But the photos I absolutely love are the moments that show what this family is really all about.

Like this one.

Family tickle photoFamily tickle photo

The Gillis Family Photo Shoot  October 2013


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